End-to-end Analytics platform for web, mobile applications | CustomerEngagePro Analytics software

With the arrival of computers, Information Revolution has occurred in a magnificent way. With new technologies pitching in, there is a tremendous change in how the computers process the data and produce information.  Today Data plays a very important role in any business-online/offline. The way a business unit processes its data and uses it, decides the growth or fall of that business.

With many businesses establishing online presence, on-premise analytics has secured a prominent place among several IT solutions. Right from knowing the website visitors to the internal usage of Enterprise Software, a well architected analysis gives a complete picture of a business.
As a business owner, when you run any Analytics on your website, you will know that a good number of visitors have arrived on your website and left. However, there is a curiosity to understand why the visitors came in, what they were actually looking for, why they left the website. The sample data that you get from your analytics tools, keeps your questions open.

On-Premise web Analytics - CustomerEngagePro Anlytics software
With CustomerEngagePro Analytics tool we would like to bring a clear picture before our client on what is actually happening with the visitors. Where the visitors come from? What page they land on your website? What they are actually looking for? What was the visitor journey? Where they left the website etc., CustomerEngagePro Analytics software gives answers to all these questions by tracking a user 1:1 and helping the business owner understand each and every visitor of their website. This helps the business owner to Optimize the entire customer lifecycle and Engaging the Business with Data-Driven Decision Making. Now understand the visitor/customer insights with web analytics. Strategically target the right audience  and use CustomerEngagePro analytics tool as a Goals event tracking web analytics Tool. 

CustomerEngagePro Anlytics Tool has been designed for On-Premise web analytics that can be self hosted analytics solution for Enterprises. It can also be used as an Intranet web analytics software to track the enterprise’s software usage, internal website usage and tracking. It is a self hosted analytics solutions designed for small businesses. Though your employees or customers don’t tell you exactly what they are looking for, CustomerEngagePro Analytical tool insights help you understand each user. 

With CustomerEngagePro Analytics Tool give you complete data ownership and privacy. The on-premise web analytics solutions ensures that your visitor data is within the confines of your enterprise network. This make your retargeting and re-marketing efforts 100% worthy. Integrate CustomerEngagePro Analytics code with any website for that matter and start getting your customer or visitor insights.
The Solution is also integrable to any remarketing engine and add value to your business. CustomerEngagePro analytics tool passes on the Visitor data, visitor details, visitor journey etc., and your remarketing engine can pick up the data to run necessary marketing campaigns to your visitors, re-engage them and increase goal conversion.

Enterprise web analytics - CustomerEngagePro Analytics tool
Data driven decision making gives you a foolproof evidence of how your business moves ahead . It encourages you to trust the data more than on relying on emotions and gut feeling about your goal tracking or conversions. With CustomerEngagePro Anlytics tool, data attributes are interpreted to give an insightful view of your visitor or customer journey. This helps you to focus more in an area which is most sought after by your visitors, thus increasing the probability of improving sales or customer service or goal of your business.

Understand, Interpret and convert the visitors, is the direction that CustomerEngagePro Anlytics softwre gives its clients. The referrer website gives the exact information on what the visitor was actually searching for. Visitor’s landing information helps us predict if we are able to fetch the user, what he is looking for? Visitors’ journey helps us evaluate which products he is interested in and what are the features/services he is looking for? Now with this information on hand, can a business owner re-engage the customer? It Is a 100% yes! It is definitely possible only when we know the customer’s contact details.  CustomerEngagePro Anlytics Tool does a wonderful job in this area of capturing the visitor details. CustomerEngagePro analytics software has been designed to carefully track the visitor and capture the contact information to communicate to the Website owner. Even if the form submission fails sometimes, CustomerEngagePro Anlytics Tool shall capture the data, encrypt and store it in the database.